Telefoonverslaving beïnvloedt verkeersveiligheid. Ik heb een brief geschreven voor de NRC. De brief is gepubliceerd in de NRC op 15 april 2024. De redactie heeft mijn brief met mijn toestemming ingekort, maar hier publiceer ik de langere tekst.

Public Zotero database with news personalisation references. I made all the academic references for my doctoral research about news personalisation available in this database. It is a collection of law, communication science, and some computer science articles relevant for news recommender systems. Updated until .

Contact tracing app laws in Europe. I made an overview of legislation and privacy policies for covid-19 exposure notification apps in Europe. Last updated on .

Online proctoring en de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming. In this note (in Dutch), I argue that the University of Amsterdam cannot use online proctoring on the basis of legitimate interests (art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). Initially, the University of Amsterdam stated in its Privacy Statement that it was using that legal ground. Nowadays, the University of Amsterdam relies on its public task (art. 6(1)(e) GDPR), which is correct. Last updated .